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Importing Wordpress posts to another system using the exported XML file

David Carr

Tutorials Wordpress

I recently moved away from Wordpress to my own system, one of the challenges I faced was moving my posts from Wordpress into my own system. I found using the exported XML file was the easiest way to achieve this.

Upon first looking at the XML file I thought using SimpleXML would be the easiest approach. My first attempt enabled me to see the details of the post but the post content and excerpt proved to be a little harder to extract.

The reason for this Wordpress uses namespaces with in the XML feed meaning doing a simple lookup would not work the posts needed to be looped through and extracted separately or using a different namespace lookup.

Searching Google I found a brilliant class on Gists by James King


* WordPress class - Manages the WordPress XML file and gets all data from that.
class Wordpress
    public static $wpXML;

    function __construct($wpXML)
        $this->wpXML = $wpXML;

    public function getPosts()
        $xml = simplexml_load_file($this->wpXML);
        $posts = array();

        foreach($xml->channel->item as $item)
            $categories = array();
            foreach($item->category as $category)
                //echo $category['domain'];
                if($category['nicename'] != "uncategorized" && $category['domain'] == "category")
                    //echo 'Yep';
                    $categories[] = $category['nicename'];

            $content = $item->children('');
            $posts[] = array(
                "categories"=>implode(",", $categories),
                "slug"=>str_replace("/", "", str_replace("", "", $item->guid))

        return $posts;


This class is written very well and got me nearly everything I needed apart from the post's excerpt that was missing from the class but luckily adding that was a simple process. I only needed to add another namespace definition and store that to a variable.

$excerpt = $item->children('');

The class collects the posts adds them to an array and returns the array, This is fine but I wanted to add the posts to the database inside the class rather then getting an array and looping through it again.

A simple change was needed in the class I passed my database reference ($db) then as the array is created I can pass that to the database in one motion.

$wp = new Wordpress('sitename.xml',$db);
$posts = $wp->getPosts();

My final class looks like this:

class Wordpress
    public $wpXML;
    public $db;
    function __construct($wpXML,$db)
        $this->wpXML = $wpXML;
        $this->db = $db;

    private function _slug($text){ 

      // replace non letter or digits by -
      $text = preg_replace('~[^\pLd]+~u', '-', $text);

      // trim
      $text = trim($text, '-');

      // transliterate
      $text = iconv('utf-8', 'us-ascii//TRANSLIT', $text);

      // lowercase
      $text = strtolower($text);

      // remove unwanted characters
      $text = preg_replace('~[^-w]+~', '', $text);

      if (empty($text))
        return 'n-a';

      return $text;
    public function getPosts()
        $xml = simplexml_load_file($this->wpXML);
        $posts = array();
        foreach($xml->channel->item as $item)
            $categories = array();
            foreach($item->category as $category)
                //echo $category['domain'];
                if($category['nicename'] != "uncategorized" && $category['domain'] == "category")
                    //echo 'Yep';
                    $categories[] = $category['nicename'];
            $content = $item->children('');
            $excerpt = $item->children('');


            $post = array(
                "postDate"=> strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", strtotime($item[0]->pubDate))

        //return $posts;

$wp = new Wordpress('sitename.xml',$db);
$posts = $wp->getPosts();


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