Change file permissions dynamically with php

Change file permissions dynamically with php


1 min read

A tutorial to change file permissions dynamically with php

First define the function name in this case call it change Permissions with two parameters $path is the path to the folder and $modlevel is the permissions level to use.

function changePermissions($path,$modlevel){

Then using the command chmod we change the file permissions.


Then do an if statement to see if it's worked or failed this is optional

  echo "success";
} else {
  echo "failed";

To run the function you need to call it, you call it by typing it's name with the parameters


Here's the full script:

function changePermissions($path,$modlevel){
  echo "success";
} else {
  echo "failed";


That's it now you should be able to change file permissions dynamically with php.