I've released a blade components package.
Components can be made in projects easily enough but often it's good to reuse components across projects, this is where [Laravel Blade components collection](https://github.com/dcblogdev/laravel-blade-components) comes in.
The first collection I've added is for forms. There are components for:
* form tags
* inputs
* textareas
* checkboxes
* radios
* selects
* buttons
These allow you to write forms with less markup required, for instance, take the example login form:
<x-form.open action='login'>
<x-form.input name='username' class='form-control'>{{ request('username') }}</x-form.input>
<x-form.input name='password' type='password' class='form-control'></x-form.input>
<x-form.button class='btn btn-sm btn-info mt-3'>x Login</x-form.button>
Another example, populate forms for a typical edit form:
<x-form.open method='put' action='{{ route('post.update')}}'>
<x-form.input name='title' class='form-input'>{{ old('title', $post->title) }}</x-form.input>
<x-form.textarea name='content' class='form-input' cols='10' rows='10'>{{ old('content', $post->content) }}</x-form.textarea>
<x-form.button>x Login</x-form.button>
Check out the Laravel Blade components package.