Gitlab is a great alternative to Github or BitBucket, they offer free private and public repositories which is great when working with a team, I’ve recently started using Gitlab for a private project, where I need to download private repositories to the project server and extract their contents.
Github offers a great API
To get started with their API you need a private token. Your token can be found inside your account page
All API requests require authentication. You need to pass a private_token parameter via query string or header. If passed as a header, the header name must be PRIVATE-TOKEN (uppercase and with a dash instead of an underscore). You can find or reset your private token in your account page (/profile/account).
To use the API the token must be passed in all requests, for get requests its as simple as ?private_token=yourtoken
In order to download the repository it’s id is needed. A list of repositories can be seen by going to
Other options can be passed such as looking at private repositories only and ordering them by name:
This will give you a list of projects:
"id": 4,
"description": null,
"default_branch": "master",
"public": false,
"visibility_level": 0,
"ssh_url_to_repo": "",
"http_url_to_repo": "",
"web_url": "",
"tag_list": [
"disapora client"
"owner": {
"id": 3,
"name": "Diaspora",
"created_at": "2013-09-30T13: 46: 02Z"
"name": "Diaspora Client",
"name_with_namespace": "Diaspora / Diaspora Client",
"path": "diaspora-client",
"path_with_namespace": "diaspora/diaspora-client",
"issues_enabled": true,
"open_issues_count": 1,
"merge_requests_enabled": true,
"builds_enabled": true,
"wiki_enabled": true,
"snippets_enabled": false,
"created_at": "2013-09-30T13: 46: 02Z",
"last_activity_at": "2013-09-30T13: 46: 02Z",
"creator_id": 3,
"namespace": {
"created_at": "2013-09-30T13: 46: 02Z",
"description": "",
"id": 3,
"name": "Diaspora",
"owner_id": 1,
"path": "diaspora",
"updated_at": "2013-09-30T13: 46: 02Z"
"archived": false,
"avatar_url": "",
"shared_runners_enabled": true,
"forks_count": 0,
"star_count": 0,
"runners_token": "b8547b1dc37721d05889db52fa2f02",
"public_builds": true
"id": 6,
"description": null,
"default_branch": "master",
"public": false,
"visibility_level": 0,
"ssh_url_to_repo": "",
"http_url_to_repo": "",
"web_url": "",
"tag_list": [
"owner": {
"id": 4,
"name": "Brightbox",
"created_at": "2013-09-30T13:46:02Z"
"name": "Puppet",
"name_with_namespace": "Brightbox / Puppet",
"path": "puppet",
"path_with_namespace": "brightbox/puppet",
"issues_enabled": true,
"open_issues_count": 1,
"merge_requests_enabled": true,
"builds_enabled": true,
"wiki_enabled": true,
"snippets_enabled": false,
"created_at": "2013-09-30T13:46:02Z",
"last_activity_at": "2013-09-30T13:46:02Z",
"creator_id": 3,
"namespace": {
"created_at": "2013-09-30T13:46:02Z",
"description": "",
"id": 4,
"name": "Brightbox",
"owner_id": 1,
"path": "brightbox",
"updated_at": "2013-09-30T13:46:02Z"
"permissions": {
"project_access": {
"access_level": 10,
"notification_level": 3
"group_access": {
"access_level": 50,
"notification_level": 3
"archived": false,
"avatar_url": null,
"shared_runners_enabled": true,
"forks_count": 0,
"star_count": 0,
"runners_token": "b8547b1dc37721d05889db52fa2f02",
"public_builds": true
The id is what’s important here so make a note of the id for the project that will be used.
To then download the repository pass the id to /projects/:id so /projects/6 followed by your token:
Now to use this in a php script:
Set a name for the local tar.gz file to be used, I use temp as it will be deleted once finished.
Next use file_get_contents to download the file from the api and save it to $name notice the .tar.gz on the end.
//set file name
$name = 'temp';
//download contents file the above filename with .tar.gz appended.
//Remember to replace your id and token
file_put_contents($name.'.tar.gz', fopen("", 'r'));
Next unpack the .tar.gz file this creates a .tar file so unpack that too.
// decompress from gz
$p = new \PharData($zipname.'.tar.gz');
$p->decompress(); // creates files.tar
// unarchive from the tar
$phar = new \PharData($zipname.'.tar');
$phar->extractTo('folder/to/extract/to/', null, true); // extract all files, and overwrite
The packed files are no longer needed to delete them.
//delete temp.tar.gz
if (file_exists($zipname.'.tar.gz')) {
//delete temp.tar
if (file_exists($zipname.'.tar')) {
This leaves a folder with a name similar to this: projectname-master- followed by a long string, to have the folder only containing the fodler name ie projectname:
$dirs = glob('folder/files/extracted/to/*');
//loop through them
foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
//if is a directory
if (is_dir($dir)) {
//explode the name where there is a -
$parts = explode('-', $dir);
//if the name does not exist ie there is no projectname only projectname-master-3r3rr4
if (!file_exists($parts[0])) {
//rename to lose everything after and including the -
rename($dir, $parts[0]);
Putting it all together:
//set file name
$name = 'temp';
//download contents file the above filename with .tar.gz appended.
//Remember to replace your id and token
file_put_contents($name.'.tar.gz', fopen("", 'r'));
// decompress from gz
$p = new \PharData($zipname.'.tar.gz');
$p->decompress(); // creates files.tar
// unarchive from the tar
$phar = new \PharData($zipname.'.tar');
$phar->extractTo('folder/to/extract/to/', null, true); // extract all files, and overwrite
//delete temp.tar.gz
if (file_exists($zipname.'.tar.gz')) {
//delete temp.tar
if (file_exists($zipname.'.tar')) {
$dirs = glob('folder/files/extracted/to/*');
//loop through them
foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
//if is a directory
if (is_dir($dir)) {
//explode the name where there is a -
$parts = explode('-', $dir);
//if the name does not exist ie there is no projectname only projectname-master-3r3rr4
if (!file_exists($parts[0])) {
//rename to lose everything after and including the -
rename($dir, $parts[0]);