Laravel Xero


Xero provides a clean way of working with Xero invoices.

To work with invoices first call ->invocies() followed by a method.


List Invoices

To list invoices call the invoices()->get() method.

Xero docs for listing invoices -

The optional parameters are $page and $where. $page defaults to 1 which means being back on the first page, for additional pages enter higher page numbers until there are no pages left to return. The API does not offer a count to determine how many pages there are.

Xero::invoices()->get(int $page = 1, string $where = null);

$where allows for filter options to be passed, the most common filters have been optimised to ensure performance across organisations of all sizes. We recommend you restrict your filtering to the following optimised parameters.

Filter by status:

Xero::contacts()->get(1, 'Status="AUTHORISED"');

Filter by contact id:

Xero::contacts()->get(1, 'Contact.ContactID=guid("96988e67-ecf9-466d-bfbf-0afa1725a649")')

Filter by contact number

Xero::contacts()->get(1, 'Contact.ContactNumber="ID001"')

Filter by reference

Xero::contacts()->get(1, 'Reference="INV-0001"')

Filter by date

Xero::contacts()->get(1, 'Date=DateTime(2020, 01, 01)')

Filter by type

Xero::contacts()->get(1, 'Type="ACCREC"')

View Invoice

To view a single invoice a find method can be called passing in the invoice id

Xero::invoices()->find(string $invoiceId);

View Online Invoice

For invoices created that have a status of either Submitted, Authorised, or Paid an online invoice can be seen by calling onlineUrl passing in the invoiceId


Create Invoice

To create a invoice call a store method passing in an array of invoice data:

See for the array contents specifications


Update Invoice

To update an invoice 2 params are required the invoice Id and an array of data to be updated:

See for details on the fields that can be updated.

Xero::invoices()->update($invoiceId, $data);

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